Thursday, August 30, 2007

From Homeschool mom to taxi driver

It is official. I am no longer a SAH homeschooling mom. Brooke started 7th grade at the public Jr High. For as long as I can remember I have always been a SAH homeschooling mom...what shall I do with myself while the kids are at school? I quickly learned I am not losing a title...just trading the homeschooling mom title for the taxi mom title!

My week has looked something like this....
Take Brooke to school at 7:40. Take the boys to school at 8:20. Monday I came home to an empty house and thought oh my heck I am home alone. Worked around the house, caught up on some emails, worked around the house some more and it was time to get the kids from school. Time to get the taxi running again! Picking up the kids from school is now an hour long process! The boys get out at 2:55 or are supposed to at least. I have to walk to each classroom to get the boys. since I am picking up both of my nephews as well that makes 4 classrooms to stand there and wait till the teacher dismisses...and of course none of them dismiss at 2:55. Then off to the Jr High to pick up Brooke... Let me just say that school has the most horrible traffic just get STUCK. Luckily an older couple from our church lives right across the street from the Jr high so I can park in their driveway....still get stuck trying to leave but at least I don't have to keep driving around the block and getting stuck numerous times...just twice to get in the driveway and then getting out! UGH! While I sit there in the nice driveway I watch the same cars go around the block, and around the block and sit in stopped traffic trying to get back to the school, and around the block....on and on and on! YIKES! Once Brooke is finally in the car it is off to the park to drop her off at the tennis courts and back to pick her up at 5pm. I thought homeschooling was a lot a work and kept me busy. GEESH, I had no idea how time consuming this taxi driver position was going to be!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Homeschool mom" or "taxi driver" - it NEVER ENDS!!!! haha