Friday, August 31, 2007


wow! I just love how God speaks to me in my devotion time with such relevant messages!

I have been feeling so convicted about always being so busy and needing to have more down time etc. Well today my devotion was on Busyness!

Being busy is not a sin. Boy did I need to hear that! Jesus was busy. Paul was busy. Peter was busy. Nothing of signifigance is achieved without effort and hard work and weariness. That, in and of itself, is not a sin. But being busy in an endless pursuit of things that leave us empty and hollow and broken inside - that cannot be pleasing to God. That pursuit of things WAS the motivation for my busyness at one point....but having some of the things that kept me busy stript away has caused me to realize that the THINGS are not what is important. The past few months I have learned to live on a fraction of the income that I once brought in....and I am perfectly content with what I have. Before Leaving Prints went out of business I just always wanted more, more, more. Leaving Prints going under has hugely affected my income but I realize that God stripped that away from me so that I could learn a very important life lesson! Also to put me in a position for the things he had in store for me!:) Things that are finally coming into fruition!

In the midst of a busy life on the freeway of humanity, it seems that the fast we go, the emptier we become. When we're always in a hurry trying to get ahead, never taking time to pause and reflect, we sacrifice a lot to stay on top. Wow! Is that ever so true! Sometimes it takes hard decisions to bring our life under control and realign our priorities, focusing on the Father and letting everything else take a backseat. Sunny and Karma are you reading this!!! For at least two years now we have known that God wanted us to start a faithbooking ministry in a big way. He has been preparing us, prompting us, filling our brains with ideas and inspiration. All the while we have been to busy to REALLY get started. Always saying that once we get this or that accomplished we will be in a position to work on something big for faithbooking. We just keep getting busier and busier and the right time never really comes along. Leaving Prints going under has forced us all to realign our priorities and focus on the father. I am so thankful that he has opened our eyes to the busyness trap so that we can take control!

In the midst for the busyness, the Cross is still there. In the midst of your emptiness, the Cross is still there. The promises of Jesus still stand today. You can claim peace in the midst of a hectic life - not without sacrifice or concentration, but you can do it.

FATHER, help us to say no to the world and yes to you. Help us to hear the true voice of Jesus Christ amid the voices of pleasure and success and power. We don't really know how unless you come and help us. Help us to make our busyness productive for you!


"Kreative Karma" said...

AMEN Sister, very well put!

Anonymous said...

This is very very true. :)